Exciting Announcement!

We're thrilled to announce that all Organyze products have officially merged with Informachine!

This merger marks a new chapter in our journey, bringing together the strengths of both Organyze and Informachine to provide you with even more powerful and innovative solutions.

Why Informachine File Manager

INR 6500.01 INR3250.00 50% OFF Buy Download free trial
The issue
  • We often find that we cannot find a Word, Excel, PowerPoint or html file we have created or saved some time earlier – simply because we’ve forgotten where we saved it.
  • So we waste time looking through one folder and sub-folder after another until we find it. Sometimes we give up, and recreate documents, wasting time.
With Informachine File Manager
  • We can find files instantly because Word, Excel, PowerPoint or html files are labelled automatically for quick retrieval. We can also manually label image, video, and other files, and also add bookmarks and comments to all types of files so a click on a label fetches all the files tagged with that label will show immediately, irrespective of which sub-folder, folder or drive they are in.
  • We can also find files by searching for words or phrases we know are in the comments that have been attached to the concerned files.
  • We can also find by clicking on bookmarks.
  • If we are working on two different machines (e.g., one in the office and one at home, or a PC at home and a laptop we take with us when we travel) we can synchronize folders between the two machines so that all recently created or edited files get transferred from one place to the other. Along with the labels attached to them. (For this we need to have Organyze installed on both machines.)

A big saving in time: We can save a huge amount of time, and save ourselves the frustrations of not finding files quickly.

What is Informachine File Manager?

It’s a comprehensive File Management System that helps you retrieve, share, back up and synchronize files in a user’s machine, in the local network, or in the cloud.

US patent software organyze file management

ORGANYZE has received a patent from the
US Patent & Trademark Office

Feature Overview


By labels, keywords, comments attached to files.


Image tags, bookmarks, date range, etc.


Without opening.


To and from external drives, pen-drives & laptops.


On an external drive


Manual / automatic.


For MS Office, PDF, and html files

Document management software for personal use

  • Tagging: Simultaneously apply one or more tags to many files, folders, or emails. Organyze helps you save a huge amount of time via tags (bookmarks, labels, and comments), which you can attach very easily (a) in the Informachine application and (b) also in Windows Explorer, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and MS Outlook.
  • Easily find forgotten files: Find valuable old files and emails you’ve completely forgotten about, so that you can reuse previously created content instead of recreating it all over again. That saves a huge amount of time.
  • Quick search: Quick, multiple label-based search from anywhere (Informachine File Manager and Informachine widget on the desktop), to get a list of files, folders, and emails instantly.
  • Advanced search: You can simultaneously search through multiple folders, using multiple incidences of keywords (in titles, content, comments, or emails), and through selected file formats, sizes and dates – and then you can narrow down the search by selecting additional labels.
  • Manage files, folders, and emails: Get a single, flat list of files from different drives, folders, and sub-folders; see different folders in two or three different panes in the same window so you can compare files in different folders or files and folders in different drives. That makes it easy to compare folders and remove duplicates.
  • Importlabels from our label bank or friends or colleagues and share your labels with them to make the labelling easy.
  • Automatically back up your filesdaily in your machine or in an external disk.
  • Synchronizefolders between two or more machines along with the tags (bookmarks, labels, and comments attached to the files and folders).

Informachine File Manager - Some screenshots

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