Exciting Announcement!

We're thrilled to announce that all Organyze products have officially merged with Informachine!

This merger marks a new chapter in our journey, bringing together the strengths of both Organyze and Informachine to provide you with even more powerful and innovative solutions.

File security

  • Secure sockets layer (SSL) / transport layer security (TLS) used to protect data.
  • Sophisticated user password policy.
  • Role- and time-based access controls. Options to allow previewing, uploading, editing permissions.
  • SharePoint or other such integration using Active Directory.
  • Unique, randomly-generated IDs are applied to links for sharing files.


On premise software for file management. Organyze

IN PREMISE: Install in your company premises within your IT infrastructure.

On cloud software for file management. Organyze

ON CLOUD: Cut down costs on infrastructure and maintenance. Get going immediately.

HYBRID system. On premise and on cloud file management software

HYBRID: Keep your documents on our cloud server (Microsoft Azure) or on your preferred cloud location, or run Organyze within your premises.

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